Remote Viewing in Taiwan - 訓練課程:

1. 如何運用直覺力下決策
Intuition for Business Management

2. 壓力管理 自我舒壓訓練
   Stress Management

Remote Viewing: - 進入RV直覺的訓練與自我提昇


人類透過大腦接收訊息, 經由我們熟知的五感: 視覺聽覺嗅覺味覺與觸碰.除了這五感之外, 在潛意識中還有另外的感知, 即為第六感.

Remote Viewing , Introduction 講師

 Mimmo Gasbarri is a certified hypnotist, and a registered Metaphysical Energy Healing Practitioner. 

  He studied ESP and Remote Viewing from famed psychic researcher Beverly Jaegers of America in 1998, and from Bradley Thompson. He writes and teaches on these subjects in Asia and Europe.